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English 4 letter words - Containing letters uqd - page 1

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  1. (poker slang) Of or relating to quads.
  2. Having four shots of espresso.


  1. (Mormonism) The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price bound in a single volume.
  2. (chess) A kind of round-robin tournament between four players, where each participant plays every other participant once.
  3. (informal) A quadcopter.
  4. (informal) A quadrangle (quadrangular courtyard).
  5. (informal) A quadriplegic person.
  6. (informal) A quadrupel beer.
  7. (informal) A quadruplet (infant).
  8. (informal) Quadruplex videotape.
  9. (informal) The quadriceps muscle.
  10. (informal, computer graphics) A quadrilateral.
  11. (letterpress typography) A blank metal block used to fill short lines of type.
  12. (printing slang) A joke used to fill long days of setting type.
  13. (skating) Clipping of quadruple (“kind of jump in figure skating”).
  14. (typography, phototypesetting and digital typesetting) A keyboard command which aligns text with the left or right margin, or centred between them. In combination, as quad left, quad right, or quad centre.
  15. A poster, measuring forty by thirty inches, advertising a cinematic film release.
  16. A quad bike (from quadricycle)
  17. A serving of four shots of espresso.
  18. A skate with four wheels.
  19. Abbreviation of quadrillion BTU. (10¹⁵ BTU)


  1. (letterpress typography, transitive, intransitive) To fill spaces in a line of type with quads. Also quad out.
  2. (transitive) To twist four individually insulated conductors together as two pairs of twisted wires that are then twisted together.
  3. (typography, phototypesetting and digital typesetting, transitive, intransitive) To align text with the left or right margin, or centre it.
  4. to ride a quad bike




  1. (Australia, New Zealand, colloquial, by extension, rare) dollar, dollars
  2. (Britain, colloquial, slang) pound sterling (usually only used with a whole number of pounds)
  3. (Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, colloquial, historical) various national currencies typically known by the name "pound"
  4. (Ireland, colloquial, by extension) euro
  5. (US, colloquial) the act of chewing such tobacco
  6. (US, historical) A member of a section of the Democratic-Republican Party between 1805 and 1811, following John Randolph of Roanoke. (From tertium quid.)
  7. (historical) A sovereign or guinea.
  8. A piece of material for chewing, especially chewing tobacco.
  9. Paired with quo, in reference to the phrase quid pro quo (“this for that”): something offered in exchange for something else.
  10. The inherent nature of something.


  1. (of a horse) To let food drop from the mouth whilst chewing.
  2. To chew tobacco.




  1. (countable) A quadrangle or court, as of a prison; a prison.
  2. (uncountable, Australia, slang) Confinement in a prison.


  1. (obsolete) Quoth.
  2. (slang, archaic) To confine in prison.